Bramhaputra Dibrugarh Arunachal 2


A Journey of many colours
Carved out by the mighty Brahmaputra River valleys and lofty tea gardens, Assam is a quintessential land that instantly reminds of antique pastoral tapestries. Panoramic visuals of free-flowing Brahmaputra, mesmerizing canopy of trees, pleasant smiles of the workers in the tea gardens, vibrant festivals and last but not least, your unwinding moments with the wildlife are a few examples assuring a magnificent getaway.
Situated in the northeast, Assam is commonly referred to as Asom or Axom by the locals. Immensely famous for its diverse cultures and unique landscapes, the state sits in the middle of Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh.
Here lies a tale of two names; Assam and Brahmaputra. One of the youngest rivers on earth, Brahmaputra is a unique attraction. Known by many names, the river is the lifeline of this rich land. Originating from Angsi Glacier in Tibetan Plateau, the Brahmaputra is also one of the world's longest rivers and plays a vital part in Assamese civilization. As you traverse through the land's nook and crannies, you understand that the river's scenic beauty and its close association with the serene and candid Assam are as incredible as classic tales. With the fantastic tales of the deities, the rise and fall of great empires, and the fascinating journey of a plural society, a trip on Assam's dramatic terrain is simply enthralling!
How is it possible that we talk about Assam and don't talk about its exciting wildlife? And it's not only about a tiger, elephants and rhinos. It is much more than what you get to see in several parks and sanctuaries that dot the landscape. It is a dream destination for bird lovers too.
The rolling drum beats amid the bursting crowd, the naïve people, the red river, and the unparalleled picturesque beauty of a green land has been pleasing visitors over the decades.

Travel Destinations in Assam


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Bihu Festival
The most prominent festivals of Assam include Bihu, the most important and charming celebration of Assam. As the fresh leaves sprout and you hear a cuckoo calling tirelessly, you know the most beautiful time of the year has arrived. To this, spring in Assam adds fervour, flavour and fragrance. It's time for Assam to celebrate Rongali Bihu. Bihu celebrations characterized by mutual surprise are acknowledged as the State Festival of Assam. Stand amid thousand revellers who gather to showcase the ethnic way of celebrating spring, and all you see is ecstasy. It can't get better than this – that's the immediate feeling.
Celebrated thrice in a year, Bihu marks the seasonal changes in a calendar. Agriculture for most of the Assamese is the primary source of living. And Bihu, the biggest festival in the state, celebrates farming. Natives of this wonderland celebrate three types of Bihu. Rongali Bihu commences with the beginning of the sowing of seeds. It happens in mid-April and also marks the starting of Assamese New Year. Bhogali Bihu celebrated in January marks the completion of the farming period, and it is time for the land to enjoy food as the granaries are full. Kati Bihu is comparatively a tame event and occurs during mid-October. This is a time when the paddy fields are not ready yet, and households run out of food grains.
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Baishagu and Kherai
Baishagu is a festival of the Bodos, a branch of the Indo-Mongoloid family. These people migrated to reside in Assam from Tibet and Burma. According to the records, they were the first to arrive on the land to settle down. Baishagu comes in mid-April and is the most important festival of the tribe. The festival is quite famous as a colourful event is the springtime fiesta celebrated to welcome the New Year.
The festival commences with cow worship. The next day of the occasion is celebrated by showing respect to the elderly members of the family. People bow down in front of their parents and seniors. Deity Bathou or Lord Shiva is worshipped on the final day by offering chicken and rice beer or Zou. The Bodos performing the Bagarumba dance during this time is an attractive part of the occasion.
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Here comes the Mishing Community, the second largest tribe of Assam, with one more reason to enjoy spring. Starting from mid-February, this is the most important festival in the community. Celebrated with much pomp and joy, Ali-Aye-Ligang, too, as Bihu, allows you some splendid glimpses of ancient Assam. Occasions filled with traditional rituals and dances commence on the first Wednesday of the month of Ginmur Polo (February-March) in the Mishing calendar.
This is one more festival for agricultural production, and the exciting part is the origin of the celebration reveals the history of rural culture in the northeast. 'Ali' in the word Ali-Aye-Ligang means seeds, 'Aye' means fruits, and 'Ligang' stands for sowing. As recorded, fruits and grains in the past were the primary sources of sustenance for the community. Rice harvest came much after the arrival of Aryan culture. And today, the festivity also marks the beginning of rice farming. With prayer, feast, dance and music, Ali-Aye-Ligang is an actual instance of a grand celebration.
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Brahmaputra Festival
Organized mainly for the tourists, this is again a festival that ensures a euphoric vacation. Celebrated at Guwahati, this festival is arranged on the river Brahmaputra banks, where Assam Boat Racing & Rowing, along with the Department of Tourism, offer several adventurous sports and cultural shows to entertain the visitors. There is a load of exuberant events that offer tourists an unforgettable vacation in the river valleys, from beach volleyballs to elephant races.


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For people who want to take a closer look at the country, Assam has always been compulsory. You may refer to it as the microcosm of Indian heritage. Green and yellow vistas of a civilization built in the layers of mountains and on a fertile riverbank, Assam is a place where diverse landscapes and races have assembled to offer a unique travel experience to the world. It is a mysterious land that has welcomed people over the centuries but has always remained self-contained. Assam can be seen as a land lively and intense at the same time.


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There is no doubt that the cuisine of a place is the most fun part of any travel experience. And only a fool would differ! The traditional dishes of a particular destination are perhaps the first things that allow you the genuine taste of its culture. More interesting, you find a brief and crisp intro to history through delicious bites.
Most of the people in Assam are non-vegetarian, and the items range from fish, duck, and pigeon, to pork. Its long association with the mighty river and countless ponds has made fish an integral part of Assamese food habits. And like Bengal in Assam too, fish is an item of the daily diet. Assamese people love spicing up their meals with chilly pickles. Naga Chilly found in this area is considered the hottest one in the entire world. Mustard oil is the preferred medium, and seeds like ginger, garlic, pepper, onion, and fenugreek are always present in typical Assamese kitchens.
Assamese people have a unique way of serving food which is also very interesting. According to tradition, the manner to enjoy a meal is to take a seat on bamboo mats or a stool low in height. The items are served in courses and on big metal plates. Believe it or not, the warmth with which they serve the food is even more delightful than the preparations, and they make sure that you finish the courses with a lifted heart.


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